The first spot I want to analyze is this one - the "Superflat Monogram"
So what happens in the first spot is this: A young girl, her name is Aya, is standing in front of the Louis Vuitton store, texting someone on her cell phone. She drops her cell phone and wants to pick it up. But what is this?
Some sort of yellow claw picks the cell phone up - a very strange, huge panda-like being looks at Aya, holding her phone in his claw. Now this panda wants to give the phone back, Aya gladly wants to grab it ... but the Panda swallows the phone. Aya is very mad and starts beating the Panda. But the Panda is not really impressed and swallows Aya too. Aya flies through some sort of Louis Vuitton tunnel, unimpressed, trying to reach her phone. Then, she suddenly enters something different, a light, a new dimension. Her phone is secondary. Around her, the new Louis Vuitton colorful monograme starts to move around in circles. As she looks down to the floor of this dimension, she sees the Panda dancing on a trunk that's moving. The trunk explodes and becomes a vase for a huge bambus tree.
Next thing she sees is another being, the flower hatman. The flower hatman shows Aya how to use the monogrames as trampolin, which she imitates immediately. Then he brings Aya her cellphone back, which she really appreciates. But the Panda bumps into her and the cell phone falls further into this colorful dimension. Aya is annoyed. She shows the Panda her tongue. Before she realizes what happens, one of the monogrames transform into an eye, absorbs her and ferries her to the next dimension. This time, everything is dark except for a pink monograme with a smiling face. After a second, Aya returns to colorful dimension again and gets swallowed by a huge smiling cherry blossom. The flower hatman is with her now. The next step of her journey is the Onion Head's world.
Aya is impressed, maybe even shocked by the huge Onion Head. The Onion Head blows a vast number of flower hatmen into the dimension, everything becomes colorful. The flower hatmen pass and bambus leafs grow into a colorful Louis Vuitton brand logo with hands, that is loaded with colorful, smiling cherry blossoms and the new multicolore monogram. The logo's hand opens up and Aya sees her phone in the hand. She is delighted and the whole dimension blossoms out. Aya has her phone back finally and of course, the first thing she does is taking a picture with the flower hatman and the Onion Head in the back. Then she takes two other pictures with the cherry blossoms and the multicolor monogram and sends them to all of her friends. She takes another picture of the panda, who is playing on the bambus tree vase like it is a piano, while he holds two bambus straws in his mouth and sends it to her friends. Suddenly huge messages pop up in the air: pictures and messages from her friends. Aya looks at the flower hatmen and makes him understand, that she wants to return. He takes her back through the tunnel and back to the Louis Vuitton store. When Aya is back, everything is normal. Her friends arrive, but they act like nothing happened. Was it all a dream? Aya checks her phone: it was not a dream! The pictures are still on her phone. Gladly, she runs to her friends...
For this spot, there also exists a trailer. The trailer doesn't really show anything, you can only see the colorful dimension with the Louis Vuitton multicolor monogram and the Panda. You can also see that there is some sort of journey, because of the tunnel that is shown in the trailer.
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