Freitag, 3. August 2012


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For the ads from 2009, I want to focus on the following ads:

The ad shows Madonna, who lies at some sort of bench. She is spreading her legs. With one foot, or rather with one of her high heels, she is holding a Louis Vuitton handbag. The ad is sexually very explicit. Madonna is wearing fishnet tights. You can see her red Louis Vuitton panty, that covers her private parts. She is wearing a leather jacket and a shirt that cover her upper body completely. Her hand is supporting her head. On the table in fornt of her, you can see a glass with a transparent liquid in it. Maybe it is alcohol - Madonna's look and gesture could express that she had too much to drink.

The next ad is the following:

Madonna is almost sitting on a chair, her arm leans on the table beside her and her legs on the chair next to her. She is located at some sort of pub. This time, the pose is not as sexually charged as the ad before. Madonna is wearing fishnet tights again, but this time, her thighs are more or less covered. She is also wearing a jacket that covers her upper body. She is also wearing high heels and huge bracelets. On the table beside her, there is an orange Louis Vuitton bag. 

The last ad for 2009: 

The last ad shows Madonna lying on two chairs. Her had is on one chair, her lower back on the other. She looks into the camera and smiles. She is still at the filthy pub. In front of here, there is another chair with a Louis Vuitton bag on it. In this ad Madonna is wearing her fishnet tights, a mini skirt and a top. And a lot of bracelets, that match her high heels. 


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